Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Perseverance against the Waves

This morning, after the morning Holy Week service, I stopped at the beach to watch the cruise ships come in. This is something I can't do in Yakima :-)

As I sat there and watched, I noticed something in the ocean, at first I thought it was a buoy, but it was moving. Soon I realized that it was a swimmer in an orange cap. As I watched the swimmer I was amazed by the __________, not even sure what the right word is, but the ability to just keep swimming. You see, the seas were a little rough this morning, and so for much of the swim, she was fighting the ocean, getting a really good work out. If this would have been me, I think I probably would have stopped.

As I continued to watch, the swimmer left the beach and headed toward her car, which happened to be parked close to where I was. I mentioned the rough seas, and she said, not as bad as yesterday though. It seems that she swims 10 miles each day - 5 miles up, and 5 miles back along the coast, part of her training. I'm not sure what she is training for, but I acknowledged her dedication.

After she left, I was thinking on the morning devotional and several things that the pastor had stressed - and I found the similarities very much the same.

We battle against spiritual things - and some days they are definately going to be harder than others. We just need to set our minds on Christ and remember that this life is more than just a physical event, but it is a spiritual battle.

My prayer for today is Lord, help me to be dedicated to remain on course, even when the waves seem to be pushing me everyway except the way that I want to go.

Walking with the King, until I am sitting at the feet of Jesus.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
Oh, what words I hear Him say!
Happy place! so near, so precious!
May it find me there each day;
Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
I would look upon the past;
For His love has been so gracious,
It has won my heart at last.

Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
Where can mortal be more blest?
There I lay my sins and sorrows,
And, when weary, find sweet rest;
Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
There I love to weep and pray;
While I from His fullness gather
Grace and comfort every day.

Bless me, O my Savior, bless me,
As *I sit low at Thy feet; [*I’m waiting]
Oh, look down in love upon me,
Let me see Thy face so sweet;
Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus,
Make me holy as He is;
May I prove I’ve been with Jesus,
Who is all my righteousness
This song has begun to have a strong impact on me lately. Have we ever stopped and listened to the words of some of the "old hymns" of the church? I grew up in a church where we sang many many hymns and loved them. But as the church has progressed, so has the music, and now many churches are filled with Praise and Worship chorus', and the old hymns are left in the back pew.
I think often of the old patriarchs, that now sit at His feet, listening to Him. What will it be like to sit at Jesus' feet, surrounded with such a cloud of witness', praising Him together?
Happy place! So near so precious! May it find me there every day. This verse tells me that we can sit at His feet, even while here on this earth, but why does it seem so hard to do this? I think it is because all the "issues" that we deal with in this life - keeps our focus off what we need to focus on - HIM. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to be one of those people who are so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good, but we, in the midst of trials and tribulations, should focus on things like this, instead of allowing the enemy that foothold and diverting our attention off the "important" things.
As things "progress", in many realms of reality, I expectantly wait, leaving behind the pains, trials, and troubles of this earthly life, trading it all in, for the opportunity to sit at His Feet, with the likes of Mary and Peter, John Wesley, the Patriarchs of the church, who patiently endured. I look forward to sitting with my grandparents, some of my kids that have gone on before, worshipping together at His feet. I don't care where my seat is, just let me join them in the great choir.
I don't care if we don't sound good, I hear the acoustics of heaven make even the worst singer, sound great. Just let me sit at His feet, I think the first 1,000 years, I probably won't say a word, because I will be in such awe - and that would probably be a good thing in the eyes of many of my friends here on earth now. LOL
Walking with the King here, until I can sit at His feet there.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rest in Peace Adam

Tonight I got news of the passing of one of my "kids" and my heart is just hurting. This morning I was told that the pain that I feel in my life right now is "carma" coming back around for all the pain and suffering that I cause other people.

I want the pain to stop - I have to be honest in saying that there is a big part of me that wishes that it would have been me killed in this car accident and not Adam. Let me tell you about Adam, this was a young man who had a heart as big as he was. He would do anything for his family, and actually was in route to work for his mom, because she was sick, when the accident occured. He was a great kid, and the world will definately be missing out on a wonderful young man. The Young Life booth will never be the same without Captain Cupcake, as he so wonderfully nick named himself, so wonderfully made himself available to work whenever he was needed. He made me laugh so many times with his great antics, and his readily available hugs.

Rest in Peace Adam, Heaven has just gained another angel.

You know, when I help one of my "little old" people walk through that door into eternity - it is a peaceful time for me, but when I loose one of my "kids" I really question why I allow myself to become involved in other people's lives. I invest way to much of myself into them, and then have to deal with the immense pain when tragedy hits.

As for me, God continues to keep me here for some reason - and I have to trust Him in His infinite wisdom, because it is far beyond me to try and figure it out. As I sat outside looking up at the stars tonight, all I was asking is "Do you even hear me anymore?" Lord I need peace from You, and the kind of peace that only You can give - right now.